Technology Services

The Van ISD Technology Services Department believes that effective and relevant technology integration leads to student engagement and success in the classroom and then in the world. It is our mission to help equip teachers, staff, and students to fulfill that goal.

Our team works to provide reliable technology to our students, both in-person and virtually. We value responsive, effective technical support of our hardware, software, and Internet service, and provide instruction and support in the use of technology programs and digital tools to achieve district goals.

Professional development through workshops, coaching, the Bold School Badging Program, and digital materials are provided to help our district's teachers grow and be empowered in their teaching practice. The new ISTE Standards for Educators reflect this shift in the use of technology in and out of the classroom. These new standards require teachers to move beyond using technology as simple replacement tools such as digital worksheets to create more engaging learning experiences with students.

Department photo

Steam bus photo

ISTE Standards of Educators

Jason Johnson photo

Jason Johnson

Director of Technology Services
Phone:  903-963-8720
Email Jason Johnson
Twitter: @jjvandal

Brittany Kiefer photo

Brittany Rose

Instructional Technology Specialist
Phone: 903-963-8720
Email Brittany Rose

Kalen Hansen photos

Kalen Hansen

Network Administrator
Phone:  903-963-8720
Email Kalen Hansen

Chance King photo

Chance King

Technology Services Technician
Phone:  903-963-8720
Email Chance King

Lacey McNiel photo

Lacey McNiel

Technology Services Technician
Phone:  903-963-8720
Email Lacey McNiel
Twitter: @laceymcniel